Synthesizing Ancient Practices to Develop Emotional Intelligence
Among other things like playing the piano again and time in Nature, I have been spending these past weeks delving deeply into how the ancient science of acupressure affects our physical and emotional well-being. Particularly when combined with the practice of Yoga, it is a powerful support for processing the challenging emotions swirling through us all.
Cultivating Patience in the Pandemic
As we continue down the path of sheltering in place, I am doing my best to make the most of this strange moment in time, going deeply into my own practices and sharing what I am inspired by with others.
Peace and Possibilities
Wow, what a time we are in. Surreal is a word I am hearing often and seems to accurately describe our collective experience. For myself, I am noticing big waves of emotional energy moving through. I also notice periods when I feel deeply exhausted as a result. As we are all being given permission / orders to stay home, we are also being given an opportunity to go within and see more clearly.
Crisis As Opportunity / Pandemic or Panacea?
Today I woke up and could sense the collective fear and panic in the air as I imagine many of you are feeling the same.
I spent time considering what I can personally do to help keep the vibe high and to support myself and others in focusing on what is real and true and not allow our fearful thoughts and projections to overwhelm us.
Lessons I have Learned from Partner Yoga
Having just completed an inspiring weekend of Partner Yoga at Kripalu Center for Yoga, I am struck once again by the simple yet profound lessons this practice provides.
The biggest lesson it continues to reveal is that Love is our true nature as humans – that we are happiest when we feel loved and loving.
Brain and Body Balancing Through Partner Yoga
I love the human body. I truly do. I love how the body reminds us of what is real and alive in us. I love its soft animal nature and how it provides a sense of connection, embodied bliss and present moment awareness.
Dissolving The Separation Between Our Practice and Our Life
I have often wondered what it would be like to live every moment feeling fully alive and deeply connected, in love with life and humanity, the way I feel sharing Partner Yoga. These past few months have been an opportunity to deeply investigate this possibility.
We Are The Earth
I recently attended an educational gathering entitled ‘The Regenerative Earth Summit’. It was one of the most inspiring events I have experienced, ever. Being with so many people from all over the world coming together to ‘be the change’ inspired me deeply and profoundly – in a way that I hope I do not easily forget.
Being Love Goes Live
Being Love: A Virtual Immersion in the Yoga of Relationship is now live!
I am beyond thrilled to be entering a whole new world of teaching and sharing Partner Yoga on a global level, all made possible through technology and the world wide web.
The Path of Intimacy is a Path of Bravery
Why is it that the very thing we want most, we often resist? Intimacy, with ourselves and others, is perhaps our deepest human longing and yet so often we resist the very thing we most desire.
Being Love: A Virtual Immersion in The Art of Relationship
What? Partner Yoga in Cyberspace? That sounds crazy!
Yes, it did to me too when I first considered it. But after deeper consideration, I grew to like the idea and now I am literally overflowing with inspiration for the possibilities that technology offers including:
Partner Yoga / Better Than Porn
Do you happen to know what the #1 Google search on the planet is? Take a guess before I tell you as it came as a shock to me.
Pornography. Yep. According to some sources, this is one of the most searched for topics on the internet. But is this truly what we humans most want?
The Difference Between Acro and Partner Yoga
What is the Difference Between Acro and Partner Yoga?
I am often asked this question and this is my reply;
Acro Yoga uses partner inversions as the basis of their practice. My style of Partner Yoga uses inversions as peak postures. As in individual practice, practitioners explore these postures once they have achieved some proficiency and grounding in their practice.
Returning Home and The Friendliness of Feelings
I am so happy to be writing this back in this beautiful land of Colorado. As I settle in, I have been contemplating the idea of home quite a bit. Although I have been quite a gypsy throughout my life, my home space has always been an important refuge, the space where I return to rest and rejuvenate from teaching and traveling.
Relaxing into Bliss / Self-Care For the Unmotivated
Sometimes we need a little boost to move us towards self-care action. Do whatever works. Give yourself permission to use your favorite music, herb, affirmations, Nature, connection with an animal or person you feel unconditionally loved by, to motivate your practice. Consider doing the practice outside to receive the added nourishment of the earth.
Unconditional Love and Partner Yoga
I remember when I first received the inspiration and clarity to offer Teacher Trainings. It came after a 10 day Vipassana Retreat. These retreats are quite rigorous, and require courage to commit to 10 days of total silence, with about 10 hours of sitting meditation a day.
Listening Together in Nature
This is a practice that expands our capacity to listen deeply. There is a particularly rich and potent intimacy that arises when silence is shared in the natural world.
Celebrating the Weather, however it is Appearing
Happy Spring! I hope this letter finds you enjoying the beginnings of Spring wherever you are on the planet.
I just returned from an incredibly aromatic experience in Santa Barbara, CA. The drought is officially over and there is a sweet sense of rebirth after the environmental challenges of recent years. Nature is so powerful in its resilience and potential for renewal. Here in Hot Springs, Springtime beauty is abounding in its own way!
Celebrating Diversity
I find diversity delightful. For me it truly is the spice of life and brings such richness and joy to life.
I particularly love when diversity surprises me into seeing reality differently. This is one of the many reasons I continue to be inspired by Partner Yoga, as it is such a unique and diverse experience each time we practice.
New Year, New Inspirations!
I can feel the fresh new possibilities 2019 is bringing. Can you? It feels wonderful to be able to start fresh, create something new, and to consider new possibilities and inspirations as the new year begins.
Santa Barbara, CA