Being Love Goes Live

Being Love: A Virtual Immersion in the Yoga of Relationship is now live!

I am beyond thrilled to be entering a whole new world of teaching and sharing Partner Yoga on a global level, all made possible through technology and the world wide web.

Honestly I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had the thought ‘I’d like to do an online training. I will pull together all of my teaching materials, add live teaching webinars and voila! I could instantly create the virtual reality I was imagining.’

Well let’s just say it was definitely not ‘Voila!’ Organizing this program has challenged me on every level, and not just with the learning curves of technology. Whenever we open ourselves to the next level of growth, expansion and self-expression, our self-doubt comes online as well.

Can I really transmit touch technology through the internet? Can I inspire people to experience parts of themselves and others without being physically present in the same space? I believe the answer if a resounding YES because whether we are in front of a camera, our device or another person, the quality of our presence comes through.

This is very good news because it reminds us that the quality of our experience is always 100% our own responsibility regardless of whether we are physically or virtually connecting. We can still feel the intimacy of connection when we show up with an intention to be fully engaged and present.

Obviously technology will never replace our very human need for physical touch and that’s good news too. We need each other in a real and visceral way. I know the tools of Partner Yoga inspire us to show up in each moment with more compassionate presence, more self-awareness and more ability to dissolve the illusion of separation.

Digital technology and the world wide web are such metaphors for the energetic web of connection we are all a part of. I am super inspired as I contemplate how spiritual technology and digital technology are merging. More on this at another time.

For now, I would like to gratefully acknowledge this technology that supports us to be connected. I would also like to thank the international support team who have helped make this Virtual training possible. Nothing ever happens without the support of everything else. When we consider this even for a moment, we see that its true.


We Are The Earth


The Path of Intimacy is a Path of Bravery