Level I Training
The Principle-Based Partner Yoga™ Level I Immersion is an opportunity to explore and develop skills that elevate our human potential, both personally and professionally.
This visionary art expands the traditional practice of Yoga into the realm of relationship and authentic connection with others. Partner Yoga demonstrates how conscious touch, when combined with Yoga, dissolves the illusion of separation between self and other while integrating our human and spiritual Natures.
Participants leave the training with greater physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, as well as a deepened understanding of Yoga in both partner and individual practice.
Partner Yoga is not a substitute for individual Yoga practice – it is an accelerated path to experience directly the root principle of Yoga – union. It deepens and sensitizes our individual practice, while awakening our direct experience of how we are all intimately connected.
Participants report greater access to their innate heart wisdom in ways that imbue all their relationships with greater authenticity.
Understanding and implementing Partner Yoga principles
Cultivating clear, compassionate and confident touch
Study and practice of postures presented in ‘The Pleasures and Principles of Partner Yoga’ and Training Manual
Approaches to Partner Yoga including: Assisting and adjusting, Mirrored postures, Creative compositions, Inversions, Flows and Group Postures
Balancing polarities: Understanding the dynamics of gravity and traction
Alignment for greater strength, balance and flexibility
Safely navigating Partner Inversions and Aerial postures
Physical and energetic warm-ups including Thai Yoga Massage techniques
Physical and subtle anatomy of the pelvis and sacrum
Partner and Group Meditations
The program is not just for teachers but is designed for everyone with a sincere interest in deepening their relationship with themselves and others.
See FAQ’s for further information or contact us.