Partner Yoga / Better Than Porn

Do you happen to know what the #1 Google search on the planet is? Take a guess before I tell you as it came as a shock to me.

Pornography. Yep. According to some sources, this is one of the most searched for topics on the internet. But is this truly what we humans most want?

How I interpret this discovery is that this represents the deeper, underlying needs for connection and stress relief – both of which Partner Yoga provides, more beautifully than anything else I have encountered.

We are physical beings with powerful physical needs and, we are also spiritual beings. When we hang out and identify solely in the physical realm we miss out on realizing what we are truly capable of experiencing and what our true potential is.

This is why I continue to be so profoundly inspired by Partner Yoga. It is a practice that satisfies both our deepest human and deepest spiritual needs – connection, expansion, freedom and self-realization.

This is why I continue to explore ways to make this practice accessible to EVERY BODY. Partner Yoga, like individual Yoga, is not just about postures. Yes, this where most of us begin on our path to self-discovery. Physical postures activate endorphins, and increase our health and well-being.

And, quite quickly most people discover that Yoga goes much deeper than the physical aspect of our being. It wakes up something deeper and subtler within us. This is what captures our imagination and why we continue with a practice that can be quite challenging.

Someone recently asked me while full of giggles, how does Partner Yoga help sex? I loved this question! Because Partner Yoga is the best foreplay ever.

It wakes up our subtle body, it relaxes us, it opens our heart, quiets the mind and creates an environment that potentially leads to mind blowing, heart exploding sex!

In fact it is way better than porn. But don’t take my word for it. Try this at home for yourself. Simply sitting back to back breathing together while tuning in to the energy between you can be a fantastic turn on. If you begin to undulate your spines together, you experience even more energy flowing between you.

“Experiencing real and joyful pleasure is our birthright and a powerful force for transforming many of the challenges we face – both individually and collectively.”
from ‘The Pleasures and Principles of Partner Yoga’


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