The Gifts of Letting Go
I hope this finds you well and enjoying the sweetness of summer. Even here in southern California where the sun shines year round, there is a particular energy of lightness and joy in the fullness of summer.
I have been spending time integrating my recent travels and teaching, and inquiring into what the next movement in my life will be. Each time I visit a different country, it opens my heart and mind. I live in one of the most beautiful and amazing places in the world, and yet I so appreciate the opportunity to encounter other cultures, people and places. I love experiencing how different, yet how much the same we are.
As I consider what the next movements in my life will be, my contemplation has been focused on letting go rather than doing more. I recognize that to experience new, creative energy in my life, I need to let go on every level, so that whatever ‘doing’ comes next, comes from clarity and inspiration rather than struggle and effort.
What I appreciate most about this practice of ‘letting go’ is its simplicity – and also the depth it can take me to. It can be as simple of letting go of each breath to let in the fresh, new energy – or a deep unraveling and unwinding of ancient beliefs and patterns that have kept me from experiencing the richness of life and love.
I love that my mind can’t find an argument with the idea of letting go even if one second later its thinking the same old thoughts. My body loves when I invite it to relax and let go – it is so willing to feel the support that is always here. And my Spirit, well my Spirit knows that this is the best medicine there is for experiencing happiness in the here and now.
This practice brings me into direct contact with my vulnerability, the place I know I really want to live. Even though it feels scary and uncomfortable sometimes, it is so alive!
As a traveling Yoga teacher, there are plans to be made – but right now I don’t know what they will be so I am letting that be as it is. I am open to the magic and adventure, and childlike wonder that comes from this moment to moment practice of letting go.
in love,