Spring Changes
Like me, I imagine you are all riding the waves of the ‘Year of the Water Dragon’ also known as the year ‘life as we know it will end’. As I said in my last letter, I see this as a very uplifting perspective, as we all know there is so much about life on the planet that does not serve us – individually and collectively.
It is so easy to feel overwhelmed in the face of so many issues that need to be faced and by the big changes we all sense. And yet, I continually remind myself that the only thing I can control is the attitude and intention with which I approach my life. I do my best to feel all my feelings – and then to make the choices that I know will keep my energy strong and focused.
One of the most powerful practices I know for putting everything into clear perspective is the ‘Surrendering into Life and Death’ practice, found on page 120 of ‘The Pleasures and Principles of Partner Yoga’. I recently had the great fortune of offering an extended weekend of this practice at The Shambhala Mountain Center here in CO. The irony of this practice is the joy that arises as a result of contemplating/facing into our own death and the death of our loved ones. From this practice, we feel a real sense ourselves as Spirit, not limited to or by the body.
Transition in itself is a profound spiritual practice. Whether it be birth, death or moving from one posture to the next, transition is the greatest opportunity we have for presence and awakening – and yet it is also the time when we most easily fall asleep.
Currently I am in the midst of a major transition in my life as I am moving to Santa Barbara, CA in early June. My brilliant Vedic Astrologer has told me for years that Santa Barbara is the most auspicious place on the planet for me and, after having visited there last month, it feels 100% right for me to move there. It is a blessing to feel such clarity and at the same time, so much gratitude for the almost twenty years I have lived in Boulder, CO and for all of my loved ones here.
Principle-Based Partner Yoga™ is now solidly rooted here in Boulder and I know it will continue to flourish with the exceptional teachers that are based here. I look forward to sharing PBPY throughout CA and am currently designing an extended 10 day, Level I and II training to be offered there this Fall.
There is so much support for all of us to make the changes life is prompting us to make. When we move willingly toward our inner knowing, change can be graceful and even exhilarating and when we don’t, well, we all know the experience of resisting what we know needs to happen in our lives.
May we all move with the energy of Spring and allow the seeds of our hearts desires blossom wide open. Happy, happy Spring!