November News

Dear Friends,

I am still basking in the sweetness of our recent training – and so appreciating the flow of life, how intelligent it is, and how we always get what we need, not necessarily what we think we want.

In each training there is a theme that emerges, from the combined intentions of the participants. The theme of this training was trust. Throughout the course of our time together, we each explored our relationship with trust, particularly around trusting that ‘I’ do not have to struggle and effort to experience my heart’s desire.

Most of us hold very strong conditioning about the need to struggle even to survive, yet alone to have what we really want. This training showed each of us in our own way, how it is possible to align with, and trust, the ground of truth within us, and from this alignment, experience grace, ease and fulfillment.

Partner Yoga practice reflects this truth in powerful ways. There is a easeful, blissful space that emerges when two or more people come into alignment. This space includes qualities of both strength and surrender – and shows us how safe it is to surrender and trust. Being able to experience the grace of this alignment in Partner Yoga has taught me so much, especially about what is possible in my moment to moment experience. Each time I experience the grace that comes from trust, it becomes easier to make this choice.

In the words of one participant:

“In Firelog/Active listening pose, I saw how I move through life. I saw Will vs Surrender and in the middle is Courage. Playing with that dynamic and realizing it is not a polarity. Another Aha was how much I want to expand my trust!”

Watch our celebration of trust!

The quality of this intimate training inspired me to begin offering private and semi-private training opportunities. I have scheduled a few weekends where I will be available to provide individualized trainings, specifically designed for each participants needs and desires. These trainings will be offered for one, two or three participants in beautiful Santa Barbara, CA. If you are interested in this level of training experience, you may contact me directly.

The 2015 calendar is now posted and although I am still clarifying a few dates, we have some excellent
opportunities now open for registration.

As I am still focused on re-establishing my strength and health, it is undecided whether I will be making the journey to Europe in 2015. In the meantime, I am trusting the flow of life to guide this decision : )

Lastly, I am also so pleased to share this interview video filmed this summer at Athen’s Yoga Symposium.

With love and devotion,



October News


Effortlessness and Alignment