California Livin

Dear Partner Yoga Friends,

I am slowly settling into my life here in southern California. There is an incredible lushness and abundance to the natural world here. As I look out the windows of my new home, I see beautiful fruit and flowering trees, hummingbirds, and an exquisite expression of the beauty of Nature. I walk on the beach nearly every day and experience the expansive peace this simple pleasure offers.

Like all relationships, there is a giving and receiving that is simultaneously happening in my life here. The energy and beauty of the natural world is asking that I give back by being present in a whole new way. I feel an opening to be, and share who I am more fully.

Whenever space opens in our life, however this may happen, whatever we have repressed, denied or avoided comes rushing to the surface. This is why we do Yoga – to create space in our being for more of life to move through us. Life does not discriminate or judge what is good or bad – it is whole and includes everything – not just the parts we deem acceptable or enjoyable. Life includes the entire continuum of our emotional experience – from bliss to terror, to just plain feeling uncomfortable with what is unfamiliar. I have been experiencing the full gamut of emotion during this transition, and have cried more than I have in years.

This time of change and vulnerability has renewed my commitment to realize and live from my true nature – and support others to do the same. If each of us commits to the truth of who we are, together we co-create the life we all sense is possible. My primary practice has been to rest and relax in the essence of my being – in the face of whatever is arising. I notice that when I naturally and intentionally relax, I am able to more fully trust the unfolding of my life.

As I awaken to life in this new way, I feel renewed and inspired to share Partner Yoga – both here in California and in other parts of the world. Tomorrow I present my first local workshop in the beautiful, retreat town of Ojai just southeast of Santa Barbara at the lovely Sacred Space Yoga studio.

I am also thrilled to be presenting my first California Teacher Training Dec 10 -16, 2012 at a very special retreat center in Ojai. This is sure to be a very special event so I encourage anyone who is contemplating taking the training to apply now! All of the information will be available shortly on the site.

I just returned from The Yoga Institute in Houston, TX where Christin Staszesky-Harper and I facilitated ‘The Power of Touch’. We explored ways to bring more touch into our Yoga practice and build bridges to the Partner Yoga experience. It was a rich and expansive weekend on many levels and we are excited to explore this more in-depth at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health beginning on September 24th. Space is still available if you would like to join us.

Life definitely feels like a BIG adventure right now – and I am so grateful for all the support I received to make this major change in my life. A fully lived life is its own reward when we are willing to trust – follow our heart and our deepest truth.

Om Shanti,



Perfect Alignment


Opening to Joy